For booking request, please kindly contact us through our social media listed at the bottom of each menu, or by clicking the button below.
The choice is yours as to how willing you are to dive in a day.
- 1st DIVE
You guys are supposed to come for a vacation, right?
Get enough sleep! We started diving at 9 o’clock.
- 2nd DIVE
The 2nd dive will be adjusted to the 1st dive time and lunch time.
- 3rd DIVE
You must be hungry after paddling underwater.
Our lunch would be served at 12:30pm.
After recharging your batteries, the next dive will start at 2;30pm.
Fancy meeting more critters?
Stick around in the evening. We start at 6;30pm.
Payment could be made at the end of the dive, or on the last day.
- In cash.
- Debit or Credit Card payment.
- Bank transfer.